bodybegood pregnancy at home!

Welcome to our Pregnancy home page - the place to find all of our Pre & Postnatal specific classes, education and bonus bits and pieces!

Please remember to exercise at your own comfort level, and to get in touch with Emma if you have any questions, queries or issues with this site, or our exercises.


full length prenatal exercise classes

These 45 minute sessions provide a full body workout, including pelvic floor, core and posture muscles.

spinal mobility

No equipment needed here. Let’s focus on lengthening that spine, and getting our side body working.

A gentle flow, perfect for the pregnant body, with a focus on shoulders, thighs, and the good old side body! You'll need a broom or a mop or a pole to hold on to... or a light sabre if you've got one!

prenatal chair class

This beautiful class will fire up your arms! You’ll need a chair, and if you have some hand weights, bring them along too.

side body love

Lots of beautiful side body and side butt work! No equipment needed. Duration 45 minutes

mini workout series for prenatal

These 3 workout videos can be done individually, for a quick, targeted exercise burst.

You can repeat the same one, in a loop to get a longer class.

Or, you can stack them together, and you’ll have a full body workout!

This session is great for the pregnant body - it gets you working those side abs, side glutes, and shoulder muscles in a short, sharp session.

A 10 minute legs session to work your quads and your butt!

prenatal mini series #3

And finally, let’s get our arms working! Grab your theraband for this one, and let’s switch those biceps on!

Body Basics