winter challenge

week one!


Alright, let’s get this challenge started!

Here is your timetable for Week One.

You can scroll down further to find all the class videos.

Stick with the timetable as shown, or, choose to do the classes that suit you best, whenever you like!

Some days, you will see an ‘or’ option, meaning you can choose the first class, which runs at a lower, slower level, or the second option, which is more dynamic and challenging.

Please make sure to listen to your body, and rest when needed!

_WW Weekly Schedule Graphic.png



To kick off the challenge, choose from a more beginner-friendly, pregnancy-friendly Body Basics session with Emma, or a more core focused Active Abs class with Kirsty:


body basics 1.0

  • 30 mins, floor-based class

  • Great for beginners, pregnancy, or older clients

  • Low level

  • No equipment needed



active abs 1.0

  • 20 mins, floor-based, strong focus on core.

  • Low to moderate level.

  • Not suitable for pregnancy or early postpartum

  • No equipment needed




Tuesday’s class is a quick, 15 minute standing session, targeting quads, glutes, & balance.

Suitable for all levels, including pregnancy (unless you are experiencing groin/pelvic girdle pain in your pregnancy - if so, avoid this one).

If you’re a bit wobbly on your feet, do this class next to a stable bench or chair for a bit of support.


legs alive

  • 15 mins, great to squeeze in at the office, or the kitchen! Can be repeated for a half hour workout.

  • Suitable for Pregnancy, except if you have pelvic or groin pain (as there’s lots of single leg standing, so please avoid!).

  • Equipment needed: a small ball or a pillow will come in handy.



Wednesday is a day we want you to get some cardio in! So, head outside for a walk, or a run, or a ride.

Then, post a photo of what you got up to in the Facebook group!

We’ve got an exciting prize for our favourite post this week!



Kirsty’s much loved band class is back!

This class is suitable for all levels. If you don’t have a band, you can most certainly still participate!

If you do have a band, it adds a bit more burn to the exercises! (We’ve got booty bands available in the studio to purchase, they’re $20 each)


Booty band 1.0

  • 20 minute, glute focused class.

  • Suitable for all levels, including pregnancy.

  • Equipment: booty band/loop band/theraband tied in a loop




For your Friday workout, choose a slower paced upper body workout with Emma, or for more of a challenge, a targeted full body flow with Ellen:


mini arms 1.0

  • 15 miutes, low intensity.

  • Short, sharp upper body session, targeting shoulders, upper arms & trunk.

  • Pregnancy & postpartum safe

  • Can be done with no weights, but better with 2 x hand weights (1-2 kg-ish, or tins from the pantry)




fun full body 1.0

  • 20 minutes, moderate intensity

  • Fun, dynamic class, with squats, side planks, push ups, & more!

  • Not suitable for pregnancy or early postpartum

  • Bring a bathroom towel if you don’t have a yoga mat.



Saturday is another catch up day! Choose to repeat a class from earlier in the week, get outside for some fresh air, or, listen to your body and let it have a bit of a rest if need be!



Which class you choose to do today, will depend partly on what ‘kind’ of Sunday person you are…

For those who see Sunday as a day of rest, join Ellen for a gentle but invigorating desk based stretching session.

For those who like to work up a sweat on Sundays, have some fun with Gemma targeting your abs!


Desk pilates

  • 18 minutes, low intensity.

  • Suitable for all levels, including pregnancy.

  • You’ll need a chair for this one.


cool core 1.0

  • 16 minutes, moderate intensity

  • Not suitable for pregnancy or early postpartum

  • No equipment needed. Can be repeated.

  • May leave your abs on fire!



Please get in touch if you have any questions or problems this week, and I hope you LOVE starting the challenge! Emma xx